its been a tough time for everyone and some of us have spent alot of time at home.Others front liners have worked very hard for us. Thank you for all you have done.
The folks who stayed home spent more time with their families, perhaps time to get some yardwork and planting done, work on the interior and exterior of our homes, play some board games (got away from the cell phones), crafts, time to walk the dog and consequently get into better condition ourselves. My daughter brought out the sewing maching and starting making a few summer outfits. Craft time and play time.
I did alot of these things and also took the opportunity to work towards my MCNE designation, which is Master Certified Negotiation Expert. I have got it done. I am looking forward to using these skills to negotiate for my clients in this new and interesting Real Estate marketplace. Give me a call or text at 250-319-3876 and lets talk. Also email me at or Denise Bouwmeester on facebook.
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